
Cave Man Muffins


My husband likes to refer to these muffins as He-Man Muffins.  This is a recipe that we came across back when Eric and I were following a Paleo diet.   We aren’t so strict anymore, but in general I try to stick to a modified Paleo-type diet 80% of the time.   I tend to follow the 80% rule when it comes to healthy eating.  80% healthy, 20% cheat.   Anyway, my husband ends up being the one to make these muffins most of the time these days, and last week he had the kiddos helping him.   Sadie basically just sat there, but she loved being close to the action!  I can’t take credit for the recipe, but we have added some extra ingredients from time to time like chia seeds.  I’ve also added cream cheese icing to the top for a special treat!  See the link below for original recipe.

Carrot Banana Muffins




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