
My Top 3 Workouts

Other than running, these are my tried and true, top three workouts that are constantly in rotation.  They are extremely effective, full-body workouts that do not take more than 30-35 minutes, because ain’t nobody got time for that!  Speaking of time, if you are one of those people that say they will work out “if you have time”, then most of the time it will turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy and you never will.  You really have to schedule out all of your workouts at the beginning of the week, if you are going to have the best chances of actually getting them in.  I am absolutely not a morning person (although I desperately wish that I were), so lunchtime or right before I pick up my kids from school are usually my best times.   Each of these workouts are also easily modifiable to your current fitness level by either modifying weight or speed.

Running outside is my favorite kind of running….but I suppose you could call me a fair-weather runner, so winter and the hottest part of the summer I typically stick indoors.  There’s nothing more boring than trying to run any kind of distance on a treadmill, so I found this great interval workout that keeps you changing settings every 30 seconds to 1 minute.  Definitely no time for boredom!  As a bonus, the first summer I used this workout for a few weeks I noticed significant improvement in my speed the next time I was able to get outside.   Thirty Minute Treadmill Shred

HIIT Training is my other favorite type of workout.  I have two favorite HIIT workouts, one of them is more heavy on strength and the other a little bit more heavy on cardio.  Both guaranteed to make you crazy sore the next day!  This one from the Lauren Conrad blog is my go-to gym workout, although you don’t necessarily need a gym.  You could just as easily do this outside, or I even have a friend who has used a jump rope at home for the cardio portion.  This one could be modified by changing the running speed or some of the strength moves.  For example, I usually do walking lunges instead of the jump change lunges.  And I often run at the same speed each segment, rather than increasing it.  How to do a One Hour Workout in 30 Minutes:

The last one is the most focused on strength training.  This one you absolutely can do from home, all you need is a set of hand weights.  I like to call this one the 60/30 workout (or the 90/30 depending on what I feel like doing).   You alternate 60 seconds of a strength move immediately followed by 30 seconds of a burn-out move with the same muscle group.  There are five total sets of exercises and you could repeat the round 1-2 times.  I actually prefer to do 90/30 sets the first round and then 60/30 sets the second round.  Five Moves that Will Change Your Body:

Now get ready to sweat!!!  – Sarah








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