Essential Oils · Health

DIY Face Serum for Oily / Sensitive Skin


In my search for healthier skin care products, I decided to make my own custom face serum!   I found a great post online about which essential oils and which carrier oils are best for different skin types, and I chose a combination of products that I think will work best for my skin.  I have oily/sensitive skin, but I’m not opposed to using an oil-based product.  For years I thought that since my skin was so oily I needed to use harsh cleansers, no moisturizers or oil, and products containing salicylic acid.   Turns out, that way of thinking was SOOO WRONG, and I was actually causing my skin to compensate by producing even more oil.  ICK!   I eventually realized that my skin liked gentle cleansers best and started using a daily moisturizer morning and night.  Eventually, the oiliness became less and less of a problem.

Recently, after looking up my current set of products on the Think Dirty app (app that rates beauty products based on toxicity), I’ve decided it’s time to make some healthier swaps.   And I’m starting by making my own night-time serum.

Here is what I’m using:

Argan Oil (Organic, ordered from Amazon) – Great for oily, sensitive and acne-prone skin

Geranium (Young Living) – Reduces inflammation and improves the over-all appearance of skin

Frankincense (Young Living) – The holy grail of skin oils, anti-aging properties

Tea Tree (Young Living) – Great for fighting acne/blemishes

Lavender (Young Living) – Calming and soothing to the skin

I purchased a small-sized glass dropper bottle from the health food store.  I’m not sure the exact size of it, but it’s a bit bigger than my thumb and cost about $1.25.  I added 10 drops of Geranium, 7 drops of Lavender (would have added 10 but my bottle ran out), 10 drops of Frankincense and 5 drops of Tea Tree oil.  Then I filled the rest of the bottle up with Argan Oil.

I’m super excited to start using this serum, and I’ll keep you posted on how I am liking it!

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