Essential Oils


Focus Oil

Do you have a child that is having trouble focusing at school?  Or perhaps you need a little help focusing yourself?  Then this blend might be worth a try.  When my son first started Kindergarten, he was most definitely having issues with focusing, sitting still, paying attention…etc.   Now I know what you are going to say….he’s in Kindergarten for crying out loud!  And I completely agree with you, but unfortunately, public school systems these days are asking quite a lot of our tiny little humans.  Their brains and bodies are not yet even capable of most of what they are being asked to do.  To be completely honest, I thought people that homeschooled were a little bit off their rocker, until we had our own experience with school.  I can now DEFINITELY see the benefits of being able to tailor a plan specific to the unique skill set of your child.   I could go on and on about our specific experience with this issue, but perhaps I’ll save that for another time.  It’s no wonder there is an ever growing population of children being put on various medications for this very issue.

I knew our son needed some help calming down and supporting his brain to function the best that it possibly could (for his age). So I did some research on some essential oils that might help with that.  I settled on some oils that I already had, and put together a blend using Frankincense, Lavender and Cedarwood essential oils (I do not recommend anything other than Young Living brand as they are the purest and highest quality).  There were also many recipes that suggested using Vetiver, but I did not have that oil at the time.

We have tried to be as consistent as possible about using these oils every day before school.  I mixed the blend into a roller-bottle and apply it to his temples, wrists and back of neck every morning.  I really believe that over time this has significantly helped with his behavior.  I started using it in the spring of his Kindergarten year and saw much improvement in how many times the teacher contacted us.  I then continued to use it throughout first grade.  First grade was overall a much better year for us.  However, one week our morning routine was out of whack and we realized that we had not used the oils that entire week.  Guess what happened?  We got our first phone call from the teacher that Friday that Evan had had a particularly difficult week.  Coincidence??  Who knows. There were a few other random days throughout the year where we were inconsistent and also received contacts from the teacher.

After we had been using this blend for a while, I did end up ordering some Vetiver oil.  I had heard it’s also great at helping with sleep, so I wanted to add it to my sleep blend.   It’s important to note that everyone’s body is different, and oils can work differently with different people.   I’m pretty sure that this particular oil had the opposite effect on both me and my son, which is pretty interesting.   I had several restless nights of sleep and he seemed to go totally nuts at school after I added it to his blend.  So, after a week, I scratched that recipe and went back to the original version.  If you have Vetiver oil, I would still suggest trying it out because it is supposed to be a fantastic option for this type of blend, it just didn’t work out for us.

Focus Oil Blend

To a 1/3 oz. rollerball bottle add 5-10 drops of each of the following oils:




Fill bottle to top with carrier oil (I use fractionated coconut oil, you can get it here)  I love carrier oils with a pump top because it makes it so easy to fill up your roller bottles!


Be sure to apply daily, to achieve the best results.  The more frequently you are able to use it, the better it will work.

Good Luck!  And remember…ITS ONLY KINDERGARTEN for crying out loud! 😉

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