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Hi, I’m Sarah and this is my family.  Over the past few years I have become obsessed with all things regarding health and clean living.  My husband got so tired of me talking about it that I decided to start a blog, so that I can share my passions with other like-minded people 🙂  We adopted our daughter in 2015, so I also love sharing the joys and trials of that experience as well.  We live in Arkansas.  I’m a CPA by day; Mom, wife and YouTube enthusiast by night.

About a year ago I began using Young Living Essential Oils and have absolutely loved incorporating them into my daily life.  If you would like to sign up as a member and start using essential oils, visit the following page and be sure to enter Member #3722529 as both enrolling and sponsoring member.  https://www.youngliving.com/vo/#/signup/new-start?sponsorid=3722529&enrollerid=3722529&isocountrycode=US&culture=en-US&type=member

Have a question for me?  Feel free to email me at mywholelifeblog01@gmail.com.  Thanks for visiting!